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New Opening Course Is Coming Soon!

This is a republished article from Remote Chess Academy.

I have some good news for you. The new opening course is almost ready! I hope to finalize it very soon, and to publish it on the 28th of October.
How do chess players study openings? There are only 2 main ways:

  • They learn via tutorials (books, DVDs etc) made by GMs about a certain opening, or
  • They observe the games of strong players in this opening.

In either case it assumes that a student will remember the lines and plans demonstrated by a GM, and then reproduce it in his/her games. This kind of training makes sense for sure. But there’s another question here which is much more interesting and important: how do those Grandmasters detect the best opening moves and variations?

If you can do the same, this will make you a lot better player. It’s not just learning a few new opening lines; it’s a whole new level of playing chess!
In many tutorials we can find some opening rules: develop pieces, fight for the center etc. However, I’ve never seen a COMPLETE theory of an opening play that will explain everything “from A to Z”. That is why I decided to create such a comprehensive guide.
Please read the entire article by clicking here.

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